What We Do Together

Change can be both exhilarating and uncomfortable. Leaving behind familiar habits and experiences, even “negative” ones, often involves discomfort on the way to greater freedom. Coaching is the art and practicality of using relationship to clarify what is wanted and supporting it to happen. I consider myself to be a conscious ally whose job it is to support individuals, couples, families and organizations to find their clarity and then translate that clarity into effective action and transformation.

A good coaching relationship is ideally a co-creative exploration that taps into the inherent wisdom and deeper motivation of the client through a blend of listening, sharing knowledge and applying reasonable demand. I’m not a believer in “one size fits all” approaches or “quick fixes”. Clients come to me for a myriad of reasons and each relationship is unique. My challenge is to find the balance between developing a supportive relationship with my clients and being willing to challenge them. Some people respond better to a heartful accepting presence and others to a sword-like clarity and demand.

Effective change happens through strengthening our reach and stretching for what inspires us. I find it less useful to dwell on the past, resist what we don’t want or hope insights alone will create new experiences. Change usually requires relational support, patience, clear intention, discipline and humor.

I strive to do my job well, out of respect for people’s of time and money, but my deeper motivation is a passion for getting the most out of our brief lives. It is my calling to support people in reaching for the next rung on their evolutionary journey.

“Don’t ask what the world needs.  Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that.   Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

- howard thurman